Ayurveda is a science that teaches how to live life in a true and natural balance. That's why Ayurveda is called the science of life.
Science Of Ayurveda
Ayurveda is an ancient Indian medical science, the origin of which can be traced back to the Vedas. It is a holistic science which comprises of both practical and scientific information on various subjects beneficial to mankind like health, philosophy, astrology and engineering. Ayurveda does not only deal with treatment of diseases but also prescribes a healthy way of life. For achieving a healthy set up of life�s senses, Ayurveda calls for striking an internal harmony of various body parts as well as achieving body�s harmony with the surrounding nature and environment.
Life according to Ayurveda is a proper combination of healthy senses, mind, body and soul and the aim of Ayurveda is to provide a completely healthy body to every human being with a perfect somatic and psychic humors equilibrium, uniformly healthy digestion, normal functioning of the fundamental tissues of the body and body wastes, accompanied by the enlightenment of the soul, cognitive organs and the mind. Ayurveda does not simply focuses on getting rid from a physical disease rather it believes in bringing out ideal physical and mental traits.
Unlike other ancient medicinal sciences, Ayurveda has specialized branches and sections targeted at every possible level of life. Apart from its eight branches Kaaya chikitsaa, Baala chikitsaa, Graha Chikitsa, S`aalakya tantra, Agada tantra, Rasayan Tantra, Vajeekarana chikitsaa and the S`alya tantra for dealing with eight different kinds of ailments, Ayurveda also has �Swasthavritta�, which is an individual�s guide to the path of healthy and long life.
The science of Ayurveda is immensely elaborate and detailed. Apart from general guidelines on healthy living, it also stresses on moderation in food intake, sleep, sexual intercourse and the intake of medicine in its individual sections. Ayurveda in detail describes about all the possible causative reasons for defection in any of the sections of the normal course of life and also prescribes about various ways for eliminating the root cause of the ailment so that there is no further possibility of any other kind of complications or side effects.
Ayurveda other than treatment of an ailment also focuses on the lifestyle and daily routine of an individual. It says that though there is no ideal diet or ideal regime for every human being in general as the need, the nature and the demand of energy varies from individual to individual. However, it describes certain guidelines for in taking food that are nutritional and fresh and emphasizes on avoiding extra oily and heavy food. It also prescribes the practice of yoga for maintenance of all the vital organs of the body.
Ayurvedic treatment is also different from the treatment of other traditional medicine therapies. It mainly relies on herbal treatment that mainly comprises of of powders, tablets, decoctions, medicated oils etc. prepared from natural herbs, plants and minerals. Panch Karma therapy is also used as a treatment in many diseases. Panchkarma is a purifying therapy to enhance the metabolic process through food and herbal medicines. Panch Karma means five types of actions or techniques or treatment. As the wastes are eliminated from the body the person becomes healthy.