The daily routine that one has to follow for a healthy living, as described in the Ayurvedic texts, is called the Ayurveda dincharya or the daily regime. It is a guideline, which showcases the tips for healthy living.
In Sanskrit, the word 'dincharya' means daily routine. According to Ayurveda, one should follow the dincharya in order to lead a healthy and disease-free life. Everyday, two cycles of change pass through the human body, each bringing a Vata, Pitta, or Kapha predominance. Based on the cycles of vata, pitta and kapha, our daily routine should be divided into morning, noon, evening/twilight, dinner and bedtime. In the Ayurvedic texts, it is written that a person should wake up two hours prior to the sunrise, if he/she is not suffering from any diseases such as fever or diarrhea. Very young, very old and sick people are some of the exceptions.
According to dincharya, the day should be kick-started by eliminating the colon and the bladder, followed by a through cleaning of the senses - ears, eyes, mouth etc. This should be followed by an oil self massage. Exercise in the morning, just after the massage, helps rejuvenate the body and soul. After bathing, one should head towards the dining table for breakfast. The day follows by activities like studying, working or traveling. During the lunch, one should consume nutritious meal. After working for the day, twilight is the time to offer evening prayers. Dinner should consist of a light meal. Before going to bed, one should sit back and relax. By following the dincharya of Ayurveda, one can ensure a healthy life.
Though it is difficult to follow a stringent dinacharya in this fast moving life, it is highly recommended by Ayurvedic physicians, because a number of health benefits are associated with it. The dinacharya makes one to lead a healthy and disciplined life. According to the latest studies in the field of medical science, people who stick to the daily routine are more fit than those, who do not have a particular time to perform their everyday activities. It is said that dinacharya reduces the stress level to a great extent. In addition to this, the person's body is purified and detoxified. Therefore, barring a few exceptions like sickness, very old and young age, Ayurvedic dinacharya is recommended for everyone.
Daily RegimeThe Ayurvedic classics give us detailed descriptions of how to maintain healthy and disciplined lifestyle. Charaka has given a comprehensive and detailed account of the mode of living and rules of good conduct to be followed if we want a good, healthy and happy life. The average span of life for human beings should be one hundred years, but this may decrease if the prescribed good conduct is not adhered to.
Modern Dincharya
The Ayurvedic classics give us detailed descriptions of how to maintain a healthy and disciplined lifestyle. According to the science of life, the average span of life for human beings is one hundred years, which may decrease if the prescribed good conduct is not adhered to. The ancient medicinal form suggests that in order to achieve the fourfold objectives of life - dharma (virtuous duty), artha (wealth), kama (enjoyment) and moksha (salvation), we must have good health.