The diseased state of a person is called vikruti and the knowledge of the diseased state of a person is called vikruti vigyan. Here is a complete guide to role of vikruti in Ayurveda.
The adnormal state or the diseased state of the body is termed as Vikruti in Ayurveda. Prakruti, on the other hand, is the normal state of mind and body. In Ayurveda, both Prakruti and Vikruti form a significant part, the latter being more perused. In simple words, if a doctor is treating a particular disease of a person, then he is treating the Vikruti of the person. The science of life states that if the doshas of the body are not in equilibrium, then a person suffers from any form of disease. While treating a disease, a physician considers the reason or etiology of the disease, the state of doshas, the state of the dushyas (the dhatus that are vitiated by the dosha), desha (habitat of the person and the place of the disease), kala (seasonal time), bala (strength of the patient and disease) and symptoms. Read on to know more about the concept of Vikruti.
What Is Vikruti Vigyan?
The knowledge gained by scrutinizing the causes and symptoms of a disease, the capacity of digestive fire, immunity and age of the person is called Vikruti Vigyan. It is said that the Vikruti Vigyan should be accurate in order to treat the disease of a person. This is simply because if the diagnosis is not correct, then the treatment would not yield the desired results. Ayurveda says that the Vikruti of a disease is further classified into two types - Prarutik disease and Vikrutik disease. It is easier to cure Vikrutijanya vyadhi than Prakrutijanya vyadhi.
The concept of Vikruti can be best illustrated with reference to the human body temperature. Generally, the normal temperature of a healthy human body is 37 degrees Celsius (98.6 degrees Fahrenheit). The temperature may vary, depending upon the physical conditions of the body as well as the atmosphere. For instance, if we are jogging on a hot sunny day, then the body temperature may slightly increase. The temperature of the body may also shoot up, when we are suffering from sickness such as fever and cold. The body temperature may drip on chilly winter conditions.
Although the normal human body temperature fluctuates due to hot or cold conditions, we would pick right back up to the normal, if we are healthy. On the other hand, if we are sick, then we would have to take medication to bring back the body temperature to normal. In such a situation, our present temperature may be termed as Vikruti, whereas the normal body temperature may be termed as Prakruti. The difference between Prakruti and Vikruti would help us figure out, whether or not any medical intervention is required. While diagnosing our physical condition, the first step that Ayurvedic practitioners take is determine the Prakruti and Vikruti.