Ayurvedic herbs have lots of effects on our body. Like they help in various functions of our body system. Like they help in digestion, respiratory problem and skin diseases.

Effects of Ayurvedic Herbs

A number of herbs are used as medicines in Ayurveda - the science of life. Since ages, herbs have been known to help relieve aches and inflammation. The Ayurvedic rishis in the ancient times used herbs and mixed them with other herbs to create medicines that could treat many deadly diseases. Some of them proved to be elixirs. The herbs used in Ayurveda have diverse chemical formation. They are effective in combating diseases, when taken according to the recommended doses. They produce very few or no side effects. Some herbs are used as general tonic to clean, nourish and rebuild on a cellular level, while others have affinity for a specific system or organ of the body. Know the effects of herbs in Ayurveda and their usage, in the following lines.

Benefits of Ayurvedic Herbs
How To Use Herbs

Internal Usage
External Application