There are different kinds of herbs available. But they are classified according to their use.
Types Of Ayurvedic Herbs
Ayurveda is the ancient science of life, which aims to promote a healthy lifestyle, free of diseases. The Ayurvedic rishis in the ancient times have discovered the medicinal use of many herbs, which are effective in curing a number of diseases that are otherwise difficult to get rid of. The herbs have been in use since the ancient times, when people were not familiar with allopath and other forms of treatment and resorted to the herbs and Ayurvedic medicines that were available. The Ayurvedic herbs can be classified into five types: according to origin, according to habitat, according to various actions, according to action on doshas and according to their use. In this article, we have discusses about the different kinds of Ayurvedic herbs.
Different Kinds Of Herbs In Ayurveda
Classifications As Per Origin
Dravyas are constituted by panchamahabhootas (five elements). A dravya is said to be of a particular mahabhoota if it forms a major constituent of the dravya. There are five types of dravyas:
- Parthiv
- Apaya
- Taijas
- Vayaveeya
- Akasheeya
Classification As Per Habitat, Family, Morphology and Life Span Of Herbs (Dravya)
- Sthalaj - Plant and trees that grow on land, e.g. Haritaki, Amalki etc
- Jalaj (Aquatic) - Plants that grow in water, e.g. Lotus, Spyrogyra.
- Vruksharuha (Epiphytic, living on the surface of trees) - Plants that grow on other trees but do not depend on that tree for their nutrition, e.g. Rasana.
- Vrukshadan (Parasitic) - Plant that dwells on another tree and obtains its nutrition from its host.
Classification As Per The Action On Doshas
- Shaman - Dravyas, which equate the vitiated dosha without purifying the doshas or disturbing the equilibrium
- Kopan - Dravyas, which vitiate the doshas in equilibrium
- Swasthahita - Dravyas which have a tendency to increase or decrease vatadi doshas but do not produce vitiation of these doshas in a healthy person.
Classification As Per The Use Of Herbs
- Aushadh dravya (drugs)
- Ahar dravya (diet)